Scots Who Made Their Mark On……The History of Africa

THE PHILATELIC REGISTER is owned, published and edited by Ian Lasok-Smith

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The most important purpose of the site is to provide a varied and expanding repository of knowledge and in doing so also try to recognise and preserve the work of many dedicated philatelists over the years. There will be regular postings but not at any specified times. The most recent postings appearing in “Latest Postings” in the sidebar.

The content of the site will be fully searchable using the search engine on the site.

Ian Lasok-Smith.  Owner, Publisher and Editor “The Philatelic Register”

Philatelic Traders Society (Gold Membership)

Scots Who Made Their Mark On…….The History of Canada


Throughout the centuries Scots men and women have made their mark on the world in every aspect of human endeavour from exploration, scientific achievement through to sporting excellence. I am indebted to  the late Jeff Dugdale for allowing me access to the resource from which the articles are taken. He himself has drawn upon resources made available to him to form the framework on which he has built.  Although I never met Jeff in person we corresponded a lot when I was just starting up The Philatelic Register.He came across as a humble and generous man. On passing me the information I believe the phrase he used (below) perfectly illustrates his character.

“I make no claim for originality in these articles. I’m sure each of the subjects referenced has been better treated by many other writers, but it gives me joy and a sense of pride and satisfaction to bring the stories of so many of our fellow countrymen and women together for your interest”.

Sir Alexander Mackenzie & Sandford Fleming

John Macdonald & Rt Hon Alexander Mackenzie

Donald A. Smith & Sir Hugh Allan

Thomas Douglas & George Brown

Britains First Aerial Post

Recollections of Britain’s First Aerial Post


Harry Harper (1880-1960) was an aviation author who witnessed and documented the exploits of many of the early pioneers of flight. In Stamp Collecting Weekly March 10th and March 17th issues in 1951 (attachment below) he documented his recollections of being witness to Britain’s First experimental airmail flights. (image of Harry Harper from Epsom & Ewell History Explorer)


The History of the British Army Postal Service

In issues 6 t0 11 of the fortnightly publications of The Philatelic Register in 2021 I serialised the history of the development of the British Army Postal Service from Saxon times to the present day.  The serialisation is attached below

Origins to 1840

Crimean War 1854 to Royal Warrant 1882

1882 t0 1913 incl. Boer War

World War I 1914-1918

World War II 1939-1945

World War II to Royal Logistics Corps 1993

The Kinmel Park Military Camp Riots

On 4 and 5 March 1919 Kinmel Park in North Wales, experienced two days of riots in the Canadian sector of the local military complex, Kinmel Camp. The riots are believed to have been caused by delays in repatriation and by the Canadian soldiers’ resentment at being used by their British officers as forced labour.

Kinmel Park Riot

The article by Alan Spencer that can be downloaded from link above  has kindly been provided by

The Forces Postal History Society


Click on Banner above for details

Bognor Skeleton Postmarks

“Skeleton” postmark is the term given to a temporary postmark used at an office to cover a period of time when the normal or regular handstamp was unavailable due to being lost or damaged. Use of such postmarks was infrequent and for short periods, hence they are relatively scarce. In the attached article  by D. R . Atkinson from Stamp Collecting Weekly” March 13th 1964 the relatively prolific use of such postmarks from one office is described.

      Skeleton Postmarks of Bognor

More Skeleton Postmarks of Bognor  (added 31st March 2024)