The Scroll (Hooded Circle) Cancellation.

THE PHILATELIC REGISTER is owned, published and edited by Ian Lasok-Smith

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Ian Lasok-Smith.  Owner, Publisher and Editor “The Philatelic Register”

Philatelic Traders Society (Gold Membership)

The Pre-Federation Posts of Northern Rhodesia

The Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, also known as the Central African Federation (CAF), was a colonial federation that consisted of three southern African territories: the self-governing British colony of Southern Rhodesia and the British protectorates of Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland. It existed between 1953 and 1963.

The Federation was established on 1 August 1953, with a Governor-General as the Queen’s representative at the centre. The constitutional status of the three territories – a self-governing Colony and two Protectorates – was not affected, though certain enactments applied to the Federation as a whole as if it were part of Her Majesty’s dominions and a Colony. A novel feature was the African Affairs Board, set up to safeguard the interests of Africans and endowed with statutory powers for that purpose, particularly in regard to discriminatory legislation. The economic advantages to the Federation were never seriously called into question, and the causes of the Federation’s failure were purely political: the strong and growing opposition of the African inhabitants. The rulers of the new black African states were united in wanting to end colonialism in Africa. With most of the world moving away from colonialism during the late 1950s and early 1960s, the United Kingdom was subjected to pressure to de-colonise from both the United Nations and the Organisation of African Unity (OAU). These groups supported the aspirations of the black African nationalists and accepted their claims to speak on behalf of the people.

The federation officially ended on 31 December 1963. In 1964, shortly after the dissolution, Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland became independent under the names Zambia and Malawi, respectively. In November 1965, Southern Rhodesia unilaterally declared independence from the United Kingdom as the state of Rhodesia.

In a series of 11 articles published in Stamp Collecting Weekly between March 17th and August 18th 1961, W G Nodder provided a comprehensive account of the post offices, postmarks and frankings in use Pre-Federation.

The complete series of articles can be downloaded and saved or printed from the link below.

The Pre-Federation Posts of Northern Rhodesia

The Date Stamps of France 1849-1876

A long and detailed article was serialised in “Stamp Collecting Weekly” between November 2nd 1951 and April 11th 1952.It was written by Wilfred Bentley, the subject being the date stamps of France.  I emphasise date stamps as the same author had previuosly written two articles published in   in “Stamp Collecting Weekly” covering the Grille, Paris Star and Lozenge cancellations of around the same period.  These earlier articles are  also in The Philatelic Register archive.  Although the terms “date stamp” and “cancellation” are used quite loosely and often interchangeably there is a very distinct  and important difference difference.

The main purpose of a date stamp is to record a a date and sometime a time of receipt and as such often did not touch the stamp.  The purpose of a cancellation is just to ensure a stamp cannot be reused.

The complete article can be downloaded from the attachment below.

Date Stamps of France 1849-1876

There’s Something About Slogans

In a short article published in “Stamp Collecting Weekly” March 13th 1964″, C. Baker provides a brief introduction to slogan cancellations including advice on how best collected and what to look out for. It is an area where relatively scarce material may still be found cheaply by those with a little bit of knowledge. The article may be downloaded from the attachment below.

Something About Slogans

“Essex Post Goes and Coms. Every Day”

In an article published in “Stamp Collecting Weekly” April 10th 1964, L. J. Johnson summarised the development of postal services in Essex. From the end of the 15th century with the use of casual travellers, through the introduction of more regular services with the advent of stage coaches in the 18th century to the present day (1964)

Essex Post. Goes and Coms. Every Day

The Grille, The Paris Star and other Cancellations of France

This article by Wilfred Bentley should be read along with a previous article of his  published on The Philatelic Register (The “Lozenge of Dots” Postmarks).

The article which can be dowloaded from attachment below covers a range of other cancellations in use between 1849-1876 including the “Grille” more or less the equivalent of the British Maltese Cross.

The Grille, The Paris Star and other Cancellations

The “Lozenge Dots” Postmarks of France

For a long time the postal authorities in France were concerned that the ordinary date stamp would be inadequate as a cancellation in preventing the reuse of postage stamps. A number of experiments were undertaken, even that of the use of an “explosive” charge fastened to the back of stamp.

In 1852 a circular was issued to postmasters annoucing the cancellation of stamps with a lozenge or in some instances a star of dots.  These dots being small conical points that penetrated paper.

The articles that can be downloaded from the attachment below, detail the use of these cancelations between 1852 and 1876. The articles by Wilfred Bentley were published in “Stamp Collecting Weekly” between April  and June 1950.

The Lozenge Dots Postmarks of France