Specialist Societies & Study Groups

This page will list details of  Specialist Societies and Study Groups. Those listed in Bold Italics have kindly  provided representative articles from their Journals and Specialist Publications.

Those who have registered with The Philatelic Register may click the link below to view these articles.

Specialist Society Articles

Astro Space Stamp SocietyJourney to New Horizons – Collect Space Stamps, Patches, Postcards and Covers.  Dedicated to everyone who collects space stamps, postcards, Patches, covers, signed autographs from astronauts to astrophilatelic memorabilia or just enthusiasts on the Space hobby. Membership is FREE

British Empire Study Group– The British Empire Study Group was started in 2007 by Richard Maisel, a noted collector of both British Guiana and Cayman Islands. He wanted to offer collectors of a wide range of British Empire material a way to meet, socialize, and dine Dutch treat. Our members range from philatelic beginners to globally renowned philatelists. The BESG is an unincorporated social group.  We are a gathering of friends, there’s no need to incur the expense of establishing and maintaining a corporate structure.  Based in NYC, the size of the group ranges between 30-40 people with a very small group attending our monthly meetings. Our Zoom presentations attract several hundred viewers who are welcome to join.   Joan Harmer is the current Chairman of the group. The virtual platform has allowed us to expand the community beyond the NYC area. To support greater expansion, we are investigating formalizing the structure, and applying for a 501 (c)3 Not-for-profit educational corporation. We also envision an expanded web site which can build awareness and enjoyment of philately whether it is stamps, postal history or social-postal history.

Enjoy the BESG and our presentations, if you have the time and availability, you can help us build and expand the group.  We welcome your advice and suggestions. Your participation in the BESG is very welcome. Enjoy the webinars, tell your philatelic friends and organizations about it and give us your ideas and suggestions on how to do a better job.

Cape & Natal Study Circle-The Cape and Natal Study Circle is a group of philatelists and historians who are passionate about the stamps, postal history and historical events of the Cape of Good Hope, Natal and Zululand. Membership is worldwide, with members residing in Australia, Canada, United Kingdom and United States. Members are encouraged to submit articles to the Cape and Natal Philatelic Journal which is prepared each quarter by the Honorary Editor, Simon Solomon. New members are welcome, membership is FREE, and are invited to join to receive the Cape and Natal Philatelic Journal.

Forces Postal History Society-Established in 1952, the Forces Postal History Society was formed to bring together the many collectors interested in the postal history of the Armed Forces of all countries, (and United Nations), at all times, whether in war or peacetime, including the study of postmarks, cachets, postage rates, prisoner-of-war mail, stamps and stationery, censorship and the organisation of military postal services.

Great Britain Philatelic Society– The GBPS was founded in 1955 by a small but enthusiastic group of collectors in order to promote, encourage, and contribute to the advancement of the philately of Great Britain. Since then it has grown steadily, and now has more than 800 members in the UK and abroad. The Society deals with all aspects of GB philately, and has contributed much to the field; this is certain to continue as new members with fresh ideas join.

International Society of Guatemala Collectors-The ISGC is a non-profit organization and APS affiliate founded in 1948; membership in the Society is open to anyone interested in stamps and postal history of colonial and modern Guatemala and adjacent regions of Central America.

Italy and Colonies Study Circle– The Italy and Colonies Study Circle is a society dedicated to the study of the stamps and the postal history of the Italian area. The membership is drawn from around the world, with the majority coming from the UK, Italy and the USA. UK members meet 3 or 4 times a year in London or elsewhere and there is usually at least one overseas meeting each year, sometimes linked to an international stamp show.

The society publishes a highly acclaimed journal called Fil-Italia. It is the only significant source of information on Italian philately in the English language. It is published quarterly and contains articles on a wide variety of Italian related subjects catering for all levels of philatelic interest and ability. Many of the articles are being published for the first time. Others are translations of articles first appearing in Italian journals.

Polar Postal History Society of Great Britain– The aims of the Society are to promote the study of polar philately, postal history from the polar regions, and to act as a meeting place where members can exchange information and learn more about their areas of interest. We welcome members from not just Great Britain but from all around the World!
